Welcome to Exchange Rate Wizard!
Convert your historical financial data effortlessly with Exchange Rate Wizard. Our service leverages historical exchange rates to convert amounts from currencies like USD, EUR, GBP, and BTC to your target desired currency. Simply upload your CSV file, configure the necessary columns, and download your converted data in the desired currency. Streamline your financial management with Exchange Rate Wizard.
This converter is a fun side project developed by a single person. Please do not 100% rely on the results of this converter. Right now, the converter requires the data format like in the example below. The column names can be configured dynamically. Exchange rate data is available from 2021-01-01 to 2024-07-21. The converter will return NaN in case the exchange data is not available.
Original Data
Date | ... | Amount | Base Currency |
2022-02-03 | ... | 100 | EUR |
2022-09-17 | ... | 100 | USD |
2023-03-03 | ... | 0.3 | BTC |
Converted Data
Date | ... | Amount | Base Currency |
2022-02-03 | ... | 112.86 | USD |
2022-09-17 | ... | 100.00 | USD |
2023-03-03 | ... | 6707.45 | USD |
How It Works
Step 1: Upload Your CSV
Simply upload your CSV or Excel file with the entries you need converted. The file should contain columns for dates, amounts. and base currency.
Step 2: Configure Columns
Map the columns in your CSV file to the required fields in the converter. Ensure that the data is properly aligned for the currency conversion.
Step 3: Download Converted CSV
Once the conversion is complete, you can download the updated file with the new currency values seamlessly integrated.